Wednesday, November 05, 2008

More Rampant Stupidity

Apparently, the sheep... I mean the twits... I mean the followers of ancient religious myths... I mean the Christian Right has won (for now) in California. The morons who ran the campaign for Proposition 8 there can't hide.

Here's their entry on Whois. Notice they have 5 other domains under just this name. They seem to be bouncing from IP to IP and server to server. Hmmmm... Zombie anyone? So why would a California "company" want the server in Chicago? If someone out there has an account with WhoIs, please post the rest of their nonsense in the comments. Thanks.

Also, the wonderfully interesting Christians apparently think it's okay to vandalize property, steal, and extort. This article explains what I'm talking about. They just don't get that their religion is just that - their religion. They still believe that morality begins and ends with them. Unfortunately they spout all this while living in opposition to their own precepts. Hypocritical much?

Well, they never were very good at living up to the standards they set for other people. From the Pope on down through all the vast permutations of Christianity, none of those groups have ever lived up to the "morality" they attempt, or as in this case do, force on the rest of the populace.

The Jews at least have the good sense to live their lives according to their precepts (mostly), but keep their religion in the temple. They don't try to cram laws down our throats.

I can think of only one law that the Muslims have enacted, and that only for the convenience of the practice of their religion: foot baths in public parks. Didn't the Christians believe in foot baths way back when?

The Buddhists are happy where they are. The Zoroastrians are not exactly silent, but are very quiet. The Pagans and Neo-pagans just can't believe any of these things are an issue. These three groups believe in the founding principle of many of our original 13 colonies: freedom of religion. In short, believe what you want even if I think you are wrong. It is unfortunate that the colonists actually meant, "freedom to practice our religion." What do you expect from Christians?

So, Christians, if the sanctity of marriage is to be truly upheld, then the tax breaks allowed those with "marriages" should be voided. Only those with a "domestic partnership," a secular title amounting to the same thing (almost), would be allowed those tax breaks. No one would be able to get a divorce except in cases of extreme violence. Even then, women would not be free to marry whom they wish, they would "belong" to the brother or nearest male relative of the original husband.

If you twits wanna live by the Bible, you better be damned sure you want to follow everything. You can't pick and choose. It's everything or nothing including all the laws you've tried to say are, "out of touch with modern times." Guess what? If some of those things are, "out of touch," then none of the rest makes any sense given the empty space left by taking them out. Ask yourself this: when was the last time you lived an entire day without breaking one of the Big 10? I can almost guarantee that none of you have. Those that claim they have have are, "Bearing false witness," (lying).

By the way, catholics - if there weren't any homosexuals out there, you'd have very few priests. Is that why you won't let them "marry?"

Edit: I just looked up other initiatives. Looks like the Fundies were busy this year. Just take a look at these and tell me that the Christians aren't legislating their religion...

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